“Boarding Action”: City on a Sea, short story #5

If he says, “Whatever,” I think I may kill him.
National Security Advisor Doug Andrews pondered this thought as he approached President McCauley’s virtual office. Wouldn’t that be a twist on American history, a president assassinated by a member of his staff! Andrews hoped it wouldn’t come to that. Truly, truly, he hoped it wouldn’t.

Christian Science Fiction: Spoiling the Egyptians

Non-Christians invented the science fiction genre. Does this mean Christians should avoid it? Hardly. To reject an idea because of who thought it up is to commit the genetic fallacy. Unbelievers come up with good ideas all the time. We should incorporate and use these good ideas (after all, do they not labor to storeContinue reading “Christian Science Fiction: Spoiling the Egyptians”

Christian Fiction: Commitment to Excellence?

A dreadful Christian radio station in my region broadcasts “positive music.” This amounts to a ten-track playlist of “nice” songs devoid of substantive Biblical content. Such “comfy fluff” reminds me that evangelicalism’s commitment to excellence is questionable at best. In theory we do all things to the glory of God. In practice our cultural “achievements”Continue reading “Christian Fiction: Commitment to Excellence?”

Christian Science Fiction and Our Vision for the Future

A leader must instill vision in his followers. It is not enough for the leader himself to have a clear picture in his mind of what he wants his family, church, school or business to look like. No, he must communicate that vision so clearly and persistently that everyone around him has the same pictureContinue reading “Christian Science Fiction and Our Vision for the Future”

Reformed Alternative to Left Behind

Sometimes I have described my novel as the “Reformed alternative to Left Behind.” Upon further reflection, I realize such a description can easily be misunderstood. I believe the kingdom of God will grow generation by generation until every area of human life and culture is transformed by the power of the gospel. When I sayContinue reading “Reformed Alternative to Left Behind”